Strategic Creative Logo 2020


We facilitate

A Creative Dialoque

To solve

Your Strategic Challenge













We facilitate a collaborative discovery process to formulate each client’s unique path to their own, preferred future.


We operate between organizational layers. As a result we connect ‘experimential learning’ and ‘leading by example’ for growth.


We facilitate a creative dialog to help you solve the strategic problems concerning products, services, policies or relationships.


With 20+ yr of experience in learning, business model innovation and organizational change we explore the new thing.


Before we talk purpose, we shine a spotlight across your organization to fully understand its people and dynamics.


We coach leaders to lead themselves, others and growth. Personal connection is a key in our advisory service.

Are you interested or need more information? We invite you to talk it through.

What we do

We partner with leaders to help them to unlock their people and bring their business to life. Our approach is one of online coaching and onsite facilitation.

A Human-Centered approach for competence development and future growth. An approach to view the present from the future, explore the future and define the needed preparation to create the future.

Strategy Top-of-Mind

We believe strategy needs to be top-of-mind. It should not be just a planning exercise outside the context of daily business. We are here to help you to decide on your annual strategic initiatives and define your quarterly strategic activities.


Creative Problem Solving Workshop or Sprint?


Next-Level Facilitator Training - Online

We offer [series of] individual 2, 4 or 8-hour online Next-Level Facilitator training for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitators who are seeking a higher level of proficiency and would like to move beyond the standard set of tools and techniques. The training comprises the explanation and practice of theory & models facilitated by a master trainer to enhance facilitator skills and the application of a new technique. 


Expert-Level Facilitator Training - Onsite

We offer [series of] Expert-Level facilitator training for LEGO® Serious Play® trained facilitators. Each training is setup like an executive MBA masterclass, in a small and exclusive setting of max 8 participants. It consists of Business context, mindset, facilitator skills, application of known and new application techniques and a peer-to-peer level mastermind with other experienced LEGO® Serious Play® trained facilitators.


Available – 2-day training Innovation Design

Available – 2-day training Strategic Design

Coming – 2-day training Narrative (Story) Design

Available – 8-hour online training DP techniques

Coming – 8 hour online training Creative Problem Solving

Online Coaching - LSP Coaching

We are here to support you in being the best LEGO® Serious Play® trained facilitator. It is our pleasure to support you and reflect at your continual learning experience. Maybe it is a challenge you are facing or the need for a refreshing insight concerning the application of techniques.

Our format is an approach of individual coaching sessions or series of up to 6 sessions.

The topics of your coaching sessions are tailored to your needs and demand. Common coaching topics are: LEGO® Serious Play® skillsbuilding, identity & purpose, strategic challenges, and advanced facilitator questions like disruptive change or flow.

Our LEGO® Serious Play® coaching format is accessible for every one, no specific level of expertise is required, both the starting enthousiast and advanced facilitator are served.

We invite you to connect with us and schedule your LSP coaching. Try it for FREE and find out how we can help you, without any risk!


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    Sascha focuses on a healthy mindset and a natural way of learning for successful change

    I have a background in education for over 20 years. It is my passion to help people to discover their true identity and unlock their true design for life. Both as a learner and a teacher, I am convinced of the value of living your dream and developing the skills set to support you in adding value to your sphere of influence.

    Successful change is the result of a renewed mind & a natural way of learning.

    I am devoted to support people from school kids to executive decision makers to rise and shine. I promote developing a healthy physical and mental lifestyle and surrounding yourself with the right people to accelerate your continual learning and innovators-growth-integrative mindset.

    Sascha Visser


    Arjan's focus is to unlock people. He believes creativity is an expression of identity

    I am involved in organizational development for over 20 years, as a Strategic Designer, Business Facilitator, Coach & Trainer and public speaker. I am engaged in the design of services, organizations and personal lives from directors to students as well as coaching at an organizational level both nationally and internationally.

    Creativity is a state of mind, it is both problem solving & purpose finding.

    I have been involved in the dynamics of people, organization and strategy since I started my professional carreer. I co-founded Strategic Creative, together with Sascha back in 2012, around strategic challenge and creative solutions to establish future growth and life-long learning within the marketplace.

    Arjan Visser


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    Frequently asked questions

    Empowerment is currently one of the most used business words. This is not a hype, a trend, a philosophy, a method or a leadership model. It is the natural expression of a healthy mindset.

    The goal of empowerment is to help others grow to be meaningful and add value. This is about bringing someone in the flow of learning and well being. It requires a personal paradigm shift and it needs an organization model to support and sustain it. Such a model is the opposite of a status based organization.

    It is a model where the master and the learner, the accountable and the responsible work together.

    Leadership and management are two different dimensions. To echo Covey: you lead people and you manage things.

    True leadership is setting you up for chaos and coaches you to create order in the midst of it. Chaos is the place where new knowledge (innovation) is gained.

    We believe in sprints. They are the best way to bring disruptive change. During a 4 days period it is possible to change attitude, adjust behavior and start creating a new culture.

    We also believe in workshops, which create a breakthrough and can be up to two days.

    And we believe in rhythms, which are annual strategic initiatives, with quarterly activity planning. These change programs include both sprints and workshops to change the game!

    Daily operations are framed in so called habitual thinking. To disrupt habitual thinking we facilitate the most natural way of learing and discovering something new: Play!

    We unlock new levels of creative thinking to deliver insight, confidence and commitment.

    If you can bypass your head, listen to your heart and trust your hands the emerging future will be revealed.

    Copyright © 2012 – 2021 Strategic Creative | Business Revivalists – All Rights Reserved.

    An SCAP Management BV company – KvK: 55530567 – VAT: NL8517.53.097.B01